Another Dumb Trade

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Thanks 4 another Dumb Trade of Chicago Bulls guard d j Augustin I could forsee Carlos looser but my opinion Rose is over rated  and brittle we need new strong players like the ones we traded plus Management or Owners


Chicago is pathetic why racism

The world is blind by ignorance

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Nosy Racist Greedy Manipulation Hippocrite s lairs and Murderers also Thevees

The future

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On my hog is a 9yr. old & she just can’t wait 2 ride something


Never 4 get your blessings

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Good health and fitness is above anything material so much thanks 2 our parents because they stand in the place of God with the wisdom 2 benefit mankind in their image and likeness

Most black single women

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These women who are attracted to looser  when they meet winners usally run them off because of mixed feelings and bipolar attitudes they won’t change but expect to and deal

with a valley of issues and mountain of personal problems can I get some feedback

No Privacy

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America spies on her citizens but since we pay taxes so we are the victims get rid of the patriot Act I always feel like somebody’s watching me and I have no privacy


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how can we find peace overseas meddling in the middle east when we can’t correct a wrong at home that’s been going on 4 far 2 long RACISM…

After the hope is gone What will the Bulls do now?

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No more derrick Rose plus the dumb trade of Nate Robinson the fans are really disappointing just watch the ticket sales decline

Nate Robinson

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The unsung hero crossed out by the Chicago Bulls hierarchy. I am very disappointed with the Chicago Bulls this shows there true colors yellow. Nate Robinson